The sky has been falling. Henny Penny aka Chicken Little called it, along with Cocky Locky, Goose Loosey, Turkey Lurkey and Ducky Lucky. And then, just in the knick of time, something big transpired to soothe our collective souls. Someone eliminated Foxy Loxy. Here’s a little Carrot Celery Apple Soup recipe to help you continue healing…
Awesome Roasted Leek Soup – So Vegetarian It’s Vegan
My husband hates it when I’m cooking on the stovetop, as we eat close by at the kitchen counter. He’s offended by the steam and the noise of the fan. So, to keep the peace I sweated the leeks in a Dutch oven for about 90 minutes before tossing them in a pot with the…
Pumpkin Leek Soup with Red Hot Beet Chips
Until now I’ve never even thought of cooking a pumpkin. Carving and lighting with a candle to display outside the front door was about all I could handle. But along came not one but two pumpkins in this week’s organic produce box, and I tossed the question to my foodie friends: What can you do…
Celeriac Soup – From Gnarly to Creamy Smooth
When I get older, I want to resemble celeriac. I want to have a beautiful interior and a shell that is well used. It’s funny how the ugliest root vegetable harbors such beauty in its versatility and taste. Celeriac can be boiled, baked, steamed, roasted, transformed into a delicious salad or a creamy yet light soup. Rev up your blenders and ease…
Roasted acorn squash soup – The cook may be jittery, but the soup is smooth
Just using up some fridge remainders – nothing but staples. Very ordinary soup but tasty and light. Roasted Acorn Squash Soup 2 T butter 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, finely minced 2-3 stalks celery, chopped 4 carrots, chopped 1 squash – peeled, seeded, and cubed after baking or roasting for 45 minutes until…