It isn’t all about food. What we wear can be as near and dear to our hearts as what we eat. If you need proof go see Love, Loss and What I Wore at the Centaur Theatre tonight or tomorrow night, You’ll be entertained and charmed by the vignettes that tell women’s stories through their clothing. The opening night was a sold-out show for Gloria’s Girls, the Gloria Shapiro Endowment Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research at the Jewish General Hospital.
After you’ve called for tickets, you can whip up a batch of these Veggie Fries. Just do it!
Veggie Fries
- 2 rutabagas, peeled and sliced into long narrow sticks
- 2 T olive oil
- 1 t sea salt
- 1 T sesame seeds
Preheat oven to 400F.
On one or two baking sheets, spread fries out in a single layer. In a small dish, mix the oil and salt. Brush a little oil mixture on the fries. Roast fries for 30 minutes, turning at half time, adding a little oil. Continue roasting for another 20 minutes, flipping fries, removing any small fries as they brown and adding a little oil at a time.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving. Tasty hot or cold. Serves 4-6.
Veggie Fries Print Ready Recipe
Final notes:
- Loved the line in the play asking when we will stop saying something is the new black.
- Read Susan Schwartz‘s article on What We Wore and What it All Means.
- They call it the cancer that whispers because you don’t know you have it until it’s too late. Don’t delay. Get informed now about ovarian cancer.
Fun to imagine Love, Loss and What I Wore at the Centaur Theatre but alas I live too far away. Tell me more! And I love veggie fries. All roasted roots. Fabulous. Fun choice of the often neglected rutabaga!
Mindy you would love this play. Read Susan Schwartz’s article – What We Wore and What it All Means – (link is above) for the backstory. Would love to get my hands on the script.
I agree the rutabaga needs more attention. Pretty much every veggie seems happy married to olive oil and sea salt, soaking in some oven heat for 30 to 60 minutes. Right?
Look delicious. It is amazing what you can do with vegetables.
I know! Vegetables are so intriguing!
help me out here, do you have any tips for how one assaults this rock hard unwieldy often waxed creature? An axe,lol? seriously I am intimidated. Do you microwave to soften first?
It is a bit easier to cut after peeling. I tried a glass knife that did the trick. A sharp knife is a big help. Who needs exercise when you can work out battling rutabagas?