I haven’t broken up with you, dear readers. My Jittery constitution just needed an icebreaker to make me feel comfortable getting back on-line. Here’s the icebreaker… I’m grateful to friends who started retro recipe exchange chain letters. These days a web of connections with heartfelt sharing feels apropos. I complied with the first 3 requests,…
Roasted Spaghetti Squash Pesto Pasta Bar
Jackie Mason could have a field day doing a routine based on today’s dietary restrictions. “He asks for pasta. She doesn’t eat gluten. He only eats Paleo. She insists on low carb. It has to be organic. He doesn’t want grains. She only wants whole grains. No fat, no dairy, nothing with a face…” On and on…
Tomato Basil Pine Nut Pasta- Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
How is it that some people are so sure of what they want that they seemingly make a straight line getting to their goal, while others zigzag about searching for their pathways? Have you decided what you want out of life? Or, are you willing to be surprised and to see what life has to offer?…