The Big Short is an incredible movie about the sad demise of the world’s economy circa 2008. Did anyone responsible for the disaster pay the price? Nope. Big banks are still sitting pretty, still poised to take advantage of the masses, and regular folks continue to pay the price. For CEOS, Wall Street has rewritten the adage: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, enjoy…
Capellini Fried Eggs – Simply Italian
Mark Bittman is one of those accessible celebrity chefs. He shows you how to cook everything fast while keeping it simple. If you love pasta and you love fried eggs, two of the simplest of dishes, then you’re going to love this take on Bittman’s Spaghetti with Fried Eggs. Capellini Fried Eggs 1/2 lb capellini or thin spaghetti sea salt…