My parents tended their garden lovingly and composted their leftovers to nourish the soil. My dad even went so far as to cart out liquid gold to the garden, giving the compost a dose of much-needed nitrogen. Although I’ve been a pretty good daughter, composting is not my bag. Being jittery, I do, however, save every miniscule vegetable scrap…
Tomato Dill Bisque with Cheese Crisps
Imagine an industry so sweet yet so conniving. Imagine an industry being awarded for keeping scientific evidence from consumers.Yes, sugar. Follow the money, as my brother likes to say. Does big business have no conscience? My good friend, dietician Cheryl Weiss, says that sugar is the new fat. Industry used the low-fat craze as a ruse to load…
Roasted Red Pepper Soup with Brussels Sprout Chips
Do you have many secrets? I can only keep a secret for a few minutes, and if I do manage to keep one for longer, it’s because I forgot it. That happens occasionally. My advice to anyone who really, really wants a secret kept: Don’t tell it to anyone. If you happen to bump into OZ,…