If you’re one of those people who eats so fast that you barely realize you’ve eaten, raise your hand. If you’re one of those people who swallows your food before you’ve chewed properly, raise your other hand. If you have both hands up, then you probably know the ills of indigestion. My hands are up…
Squash Gnocchi – Mind Boggling
Will humans someday communicate through thought alone? We are on the verge of some major scientific breakthroughs. Meanwhile, if you just can’t wait to have your mind read, you can come meet Oz. Not the Wizard of Oz. Oz Pearlman, the mentalist. I’ve met Oz, and he is shocking, amazing and delightful. Oz will appear Thursday,…
Tomato Basil Pine Nut Pasta- Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
How is it that some people are so sure of what they want that they seemingly make a straight line getting to their goal, while others zigzag about searching for their pathways? Have you decided what you want out of life? Or, are you willing to be surprised and to see what life has to offer?…