I love ordinary pasta. Even plain old spaghetti makes me happy and I’ve rarely met a noodle that didn’t satisfy me. But just like it’s fun to dress up for special occasions, it’s equally fun to use these elegant and dramatic zebra farfalle — or any of the decorative pastas from Desirs de Provence‘s unusual selections. Zebra Farfalle…
Easy Pasta with Rapini Chips
I admit it. I’m cheating on my hairdresser. Well, it was sort of her fault. When she took time off to have a baby, she left me in very capable hands. To make matters worse, they worked side-by-side. Now, I don’t know how to break it to her, but I may not be coming back….
Roasted Cauliflower Pesto Pasta – A Happy Marriage of Flavours
Is there any recipe that isn’t enhanced with the wonderful flavours of garlic and onion? I think not. The pesto in this recipe is so tasty on its own that it is tempting to keep repeatedly taste testing with the excuse of needing to adjust the seasoning. Notice the paucity of ingredients in the picture…