And now, for something deliciously serious. Do not take my word for it. Gather up the ingredients below and throw together your very own Chard Frittata Appetizer. Seriously delicious. You might love it so much that you’ll decide to bump it from appetizer to main event. Chard Frittata Appetizer 2 t olive oil 6 c chopped chard (about 1…
Cauliflower Crust Pizza – Do Not Passover!
It’s that time of year again. Spring forward. When I lose an hour of sleep, I just keep looking for it. I’m still looking for spring, too. I know it’s coming. That means Passover’s coming, too–time to indulge in this Cauliflower Crust Pizza. Cauliflower Crust 1 cauliflower, cut into chunks, parboiled for 4 minutes, then…