Can you imagine a book titled “Enjoy Stress“? Stanley Abbott has written that book. We’ve all been enjoying way too much stress lately. In fact, we’re all in need of a collective massage. Check out Abbott’s book to discover how the right level of stress can improve performance, given the right mindset. Or how about…
Bow-Tie Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomato Dressing
My extraordinary yoga teachers, Mona Keddy and Barrie Risman, from Shri Yoga, gathered several of us yogis for a retreat at Centre Tara, in Bonsecours, Quebec. There was nothing but space in Bonsecours, and I travelled there to learn how to make even more space. With internal space you can learn to get along with…
Pasta with sun-dried tomato, spinach and basil – True Confessions
I work at a small rehabilitation hospital. The work environment is astonishingly warm, friendly and tight-knit. We share an interest in food. The occasional potluck meals that we produce never cease to amaze me for their variety and deliciousness. We have a cafeteria that produces a few fine dishes, one of which is bow-ties, or…