If I wanted to make a game out of searching for inconsistencies and missing information, I’d steer you to the new cookbook Eating Clean in Costa Rica. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a lovely warm-hearted read, filled with excellent recipes that you’ll want to try. But it’s reliably missing or contradicting information left, right and center….
Oat Bran Breakfast – Good Carbs
Are you a carbahoilic? a carbphobic? or maybe secretly both? There are good carbs and bad carbs. Read all about it on Web MD. And while you’re mulling over carb conundrums, make yourself a bowl of super healthy, ready in a jiffy, good carb oat bran. According to health journalist Harriet Sugar Miller, oat bran’s the healthiest…
Coconut Jam French Toast with Fresh Berries
Today is the day that you find out just what Kacey Rose Baines suggested that was so enticing, guaranteeing her entry into the Jittery Cook’s Blueberry Gin draw (which she won): Coconut Jam, from Coco Vie. In her opinion, Coconut Jam is irresistible to the point of being addictive. Kacey offered to procure a sample so that…