Can you imagine a book titled “Enjoy Stress“? Stanley Abbott has written that book. We’ve all been enjoying way too much stress lately. In fact, we’re all in need of a collective massage. Check out Abbott’s book to discover how the right level of stress can improve performance, given the right mindset. Or how about…
Garlic Scape Basil Pesto Baked Pasta
The only scapes I’m really familiar with are escapes and landscapes. Garlic scapes are a brand new challenge. The sharpness of this Garlic Scape Basil Pesto heightens the intensity of this Garlic Scape Basil Pesto Baked Pasta. Consider this dish an escape from the usual landscape of ordinary cuisine. Garlic Scape Basil Pesto Baked Pasta 6 eggs 1 c each…
Florentine Baked Pasta – The Chosen
Every minute of every day brings more choices. How many choices does that make overall? Today, I chose decadent cheese sauce. Truth be told, this sauce is good enough to eat by the spoonful. But adding cauliflower and spinach brings the guilt meter tumbling down. Florentine Baked Pasta 2 T unsalted butter 1 c chopped…
Squash, Spinach and Shiitake Baked Pasta
Baked pasta dishes seems like lasagnas gone berserk. The ingredients are the same but all jumbled together. You get to skip the part where you have to layer carefully. Permission granted to shmush it all together, top with some cheese and call it a day. This Squash, Spinach and Shiitake Baked Pasta recipe was fashioned for…