My husband hates it when I’m cooking on the stovetop, as we eat close by at the kitchen counter. He’s offended by the steam and the noise of the fan. So, to keep the peace I sweated the leeks in a Dutch oven for about 90 minutes before tossing them in a pot with the rest of these ingredients to make an awesome Roasted Leek Soup.
Awesome Roasted Leek Soup
- 2 big fat leeks, ends trimmed, greens included, well washed, sliced into 1/2-inch rings
- 1 onion, sliced into rings
- 1 T olive oil
- 3 large carrots, cut into sticks
- 3 sprigs of thyme
- 1/2 t sea salt and a little freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 400F. In a large Dutch oven, roast leeks and onion with olive oil, salt and pepper until softened. Transfer leeks to a large pot, add carrots, thyme and cover with water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 40 minutes, or until the carrots soften. Discard thyme. Purée to a creamy consistency, adding a little water to thin. Garnish with homemade ciabatta crouton strips. Serves 6.
Note: Soup will be very creamy if puréed in a very strong blender, like a Vitamix. Otherwise, consider adding peeled and chopped potato with the carrots to get the smoothest consistency.
Awesome Roasted Leek Soup Print Ready Recipe
Final notes:
- Would you agree that every cloud has a silver lining?
- I long to have secrets. Things I tell only myself, and not you and you and you. Maybe in my next life.
- Tonight’s salad was blogworthy according to my gourmet son: 2 Kumato tomatoes, halved and sliced, sprinkled with sliced scallions, mini-cubes of aged cheddar, olive oil, very syrupy fancy balsamic vinegar, Maldon sea salt, black pepper and garnished with bite-sized morsels of roasted zucchini slices. Perhaps salads benefit from surprise ingredients?
- Now that you are eating French cuisine inspired Roasted Leek Soup, checkout the Farm to Table French Phrasebook by Victoria Mas. You can master the culture, language and savoir faire of French cuisine while gracefully sipping soup. A perfect gift for anyone eager to dine, drink, converse or indulge à la française. Imagine commenting on the body of your wine with flawless terminology: “Goûte ce vin, il est très…chaud, charnu, corsé, viril, charpenté, etoffé, ferme, fruité, rond, suave.”
Jovina Coughlin says
I am still having difficulty with your site. Even though I follow you I have to type in all my info whenever I reply. My info is not remembered. I recieve your emails, so I know I am a follower
Jittery Cook says
So sorry! I will investigate and try to resolve this problem. Thanks for letting me know.
Jittery Cook says
Hello Jovina, Now I activated Jetpack comments, maybe this will help?
liz joffe says
gorgeous presentation holly!
Jittery Cook says
Thanks Liz! Trying my best.
Peggy Ann Turner says
Roasting gives it a sweet earthy taste…Delicous!
Jittery Cook says
Thanks for agreeing that roasting leeks is great for flavour!
Heather says
This looks amazing! Perfect timing for my vegan parents who are coming to visit! Thank you 🙂
Jittery Cook says
So welcome Heather! I have some on the stovetop for tonight’s dinner.