A good recipe fills me with glee. Sharing a good recipe just increases the glee exponentially. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure to be your Jittery Cook for practically 6 years. As the anniversary of our relationship approaches, I can’t help looking back with astonishment at the accumulation of glee! For a long time now, I’ve had a hankering…
Mango Asian Pear Salad – Two Sleeps!
I can’t stop thinking about two sleeps. It’s something our ancient ancestors did. So did Thomas Jefferson, Frank Lloyd Wright and B.F. Skinner. They’d go to sleep, then wake up in the middle of the night, get creative and/or pensive, then go back to bed. The next time you find yourself tossing and turning at 3…
Spring Potato Salad – This one’s for you mom!
Growing up, I shared in my mom’s joy of food adventure. Life was a party. My dad brought home the bounty — a steady stream of fresh fruits and vegetables from his second generation wholesale business — and my mom whipped up the most exciting and pleasurable meals imaginable. She enjoyed the challenges of deciphering exotic dishes and of…
Avocado Black Bean Edamame Corn Salad – Dilemma Solver
I bet you’re looking for a quick n’ easy meal prep that solves the “’what’s for dinner tonight?” dilemma. Avocado Black Bean Edamame Corn Salad beckons. Pair this salad with a complimentary dish that suits your taste buds or eat it solely, for a simple dinner. Dilemma solved. And speaking of dilemmas, how do you choose…
1 Cup Salad – Boom You Win!
Good health is so precarious. The healthier you are, the more you feel invincible. Then one day, when you’re not paying attention, your health can begin to show signs of slipping over into the not-so-healthy camp. That’s the day that you’ll take recipes like this 1 Cup Salad seriously. Today I’m turning over a new…
Paper-Thin Cucumber Salad with Rainbow Garnish
There are people with the foresight to invest in precious metals, stocks or bonds at just the right moment. I see gold in fruits and vegetables. My idea of a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow is a wonderful salad. Toss in a fantastic kitchen tool that makes slicing a breeze, and…